For those who have not yet been introduced to Quality & Advice, I'd love to give you a quick run-down. Our name (shortens to Q&A - clever hey!?) says it all. We are all about quality, and we give great advice related to quality, and management systems.
Q&A are based in Melbourne, but offer services Australia-wide. I am the principle consultant, and I have a (growing) network of resources that I call on if needed for specific projects.
If you are an Inspection Facility, you want Q&A to look after you. We are currently the most experienced NATA accreditation consultant in Australia when it comes to NATA ISO 17020 inspection accreditation.
If you are a Testing Laboratory, you will be hard-pressed to find another NATA accreditation consultant who has had extensive experience in such a wide range of industries including construction, manufacturing, mining, healthcare, environmental and agribusiness.
Why do we do it?
As a NATA auditor, you get to see a lot of management systems. A lot. You see what works in various industries, and for businesses of varying types and sizes. You see what doesn't work. As a NATA auditor, your job is to point out what is non-compliant. As a consultant, you get the pleasure of making real changes that improve businesses.
If you are ready to cut out the BS from your systems and make real improvements,
contact Q&A.